Club culture

Noisekölln presents Justice Yeldham @ West Germany, April 28th, 2012

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Lucas Abela (aka Justice Yeldham) cheeks are flattened by the glass, the foot of his tongue presses against his instrument like some over-satiated worm, blood eventually cloaks the glass in a pink fluoroscent haze, and then … he bites the glass into pieces until it’s nothing but a bloodied mound of shrapnel at his feet. The noise his instrument emits ranges from a subterranean death rattle through to a squalling motorised melee, with plenty of sonic variations in between.

According to Bruce Russell – WIRE magazine, Justice Yeldham is “the most exciting performer I have seen in the last three years – in fact, since I first saw Iggy Pop. Ecstatically Abela purses his lips against amplified glass whilst deftly employing various vocal techniques ranging from throat singing to raspberries turning the discarded shards into crude musical instruments, resulting is a wild array of cacophonous noise that is strangely controlled and oddly musical. The instruments simple, original and effective premise is a welcome riposte to over complicated musical performances of modern times. A one of a kind act re-defining the expression ‘don’t try this at home’ this show quite simply needs to be witnessed to be fully appreciated, let alone understood”.

The line up at West Germany on the night of April 28th was:
Justice Yeldham:
Ill Winds:
Moon Wheel:
Anna Vo & Peter Newman: &

The video below shows Justice Yeldham at minute 0:00, Anna Vo & Peter Newman at minute 1:56, Ill Winds at minute 2:40 and Moon Wheel at minute 3:15 

Text source: and

Club culture: Untuned, Mathias Meindl @ Brunnen70, March 30th, 2012

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The cultural association Zurmöbelfabrik -that promotes contemporary media and free art- opens  a new space. Faithful to their principles, they opened a space for images, music, cabaret and its prospects. They use cooperation as mode of working as it guarantees variety and flexibility. The  new place is located in Wedding, because the prices are moderate and the area is still left without commercial pressure. It is a former furniture store with the 70’s charm. The only access is through the elevator, there is not any sign for the entrance. There are many rooms and many doors. No one knows where are they, not even the owner… The building has a foreclosure. So before it ends in the hands of real state speculators, everyone here does something, as used to be and as it should be. At nights the place is musically dedicated to electronic music, but open to any other directions, as they specify in the web site.

Zurmöbelfabrik declare in a kind of manifest in their web site: “Wrong people want to think they are doing the right thing. In ‘the land of plenty’ we do not have intellectual babblers, at the contrary they have potentially the rave-o-tionary (rave-o-lutionären) folks of the nation. Therefore the have formed the Elektronische Befreiungsfront -EBF (Electronic Liberation Front) in which they hardly believe. They proclaim that sound system is amazing, the plates and the the control board are provided to create transitions, reverb, delay and echo. The system reach since the vocals to bass lines and medium scales, if it otherwise does not get further… RAVE-O-LUTION IM UNTERGRUND ORGANISIEREN! = RAVE-O-LUTION UNDERGROUND ORGANIZATION!”

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Every last weekend of the mount, Untuned (UD) organizes an event here. The video below correspond to Mathias Meindl set.
Text source: Very, very free translation for German in the Brunnen70 web page: